This is a now page, inspired by Derek Sivers. Its aim is to provide you with a very high level overview of what's going on in my life right now.
Updated April 11th, 2024, from my parent's home in Amasya, Turkey.
• I recently joined BlueWave Labs to build an open source HRM app as a side gig. I'll share more details soon.
• Every day, I dedicate about an hour to learning Brazilian Portuguese. I keep track of my daily goals using Todoist: studying 5 workbook pages, listening to a podcast episode, watching 2 YouTube videos, and reviewing Anki cards.
• I am building Telecommuter, a remote working newsletter focusing on people’s stories. If you'd like to see your remote working story featured, just drop me a line.
• While teaching forró hasn't been my main aim, I love organizing what I know. That's why I'm creating a curriculum for beginners in the forró roots style.
• One of my goals this year to come back to djing forró. I am expanding my song collection by carefully curating my favorites.
• With the recent 1.6 update, I jumped back to farming on Stardew Valley. It's a joy playing with my cousin, who actually introduced me to the gaming world a several years back.